Special Mother's Day Promotion

To be honest, I don't like sharing personal information about myself or my family, so this is a little awkward. I've written, rewritten, and edited this post more times than I care to admit. I want it to be perfect. To express what's in my mind and in my heart. I hope you will bear with me over the next few paragraphs while I try to poetically explain the million thoughts and emotions that are going on in my head as I write this.

I have known since May 2011 that I was going to do this promotion. I have thought about it hours on end since then.

The month of May holds a special place in my heart. It's a time to celebrate being a mother. And, for me, it's also a time to celebrate the birth and the life of my third peanut. For those that have followed Petite Peanut, you may remember that I was closed for a few months last Summer.  Mother's Day weekend 2011 I was honored to become a mother for the third time to a special little boy, Baby Clayton.

Baby C and I in the NICU
All children are special and are gifts from God. Baby Clayton truly is a special child of God and not a day goes by that I am not grateful to be his mother. My Baby Clayton has Williams Syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that affects his whole body's function (for more information please visit: http://www.williams-syndrome.org/). Occasionally I have to close Petite Peanut so that I can tend to his ongoing medical needs. My little superhero has a team of 20 doctors, specialists, and therapists, has undergone 7 surgeries, and averages 7 doctor's appointments each week. We struggle through milestones, but we rejoice in the small things. 
At a year old, Clayton is currently learning to hold up his head and learning to roll over. He does not know how to swallow and is fed through a G-tube (my kids think it's cool and they want one too) in his stomach. He's getting a cool Porsche of a wheelchair in 2 weeks and he's going to be rockin' it in some super style (nothing less for my peanuts)! It's a long road but we are enjoying the journey, the opportunity to learn, and to grow as a family.

On Friday 5/4/12 through Monday 5/7/12 (Clayton's birthday)- 100% of sales, yes 100 PERCENT, will be donated to the University of Nevada Research Center. UNRC specializes in ongoing research for many disorders and syndromes, including Williams Syndrome. I am also extending a 15% discount for all items in my shop during this promotion with the code "SUPERHERO" at the time of checkout.

Clayton has taught me to be a better mom and a better person. My hope is that this promotion will give other children, families and mothers, the opportunity to get answers and the necessary medical help they need. I am honored to run a promotion to celebrate motherhood and all that comes with it. It's not easy. But it's worth it.

I hope you will consider making a purchase or donation during this special promotion and sharing it with your friends and family.