Special Mother's Day Promotion

To be honest, I don't like sharing personal information about myself or my family, so this is a little awkward. I've written, rewritten, and edited this post more times than I care to admit. I want it to be perfect. To express what's in my mind and in my heart. I hope you will bear with me over the next few paragraphs while I try to poetically explain the million thoughts and emotions that are going on in my head as I write this.

I have known since May 2011 that I was going to do this promotion. I have thought about it hours on end since then.

The month of May holds a special place in my heart. It's a time to celebrate being a mother. And, for me, it's also a time to celebrate the birth and the life of my third peanut. For those that have followed Petite Peanut, you may remember that I was closed for a few months last Summer.  Mother's Day weekend 2011 I was honored to become a mother for the third time to a special little boy, Baby Clayton.

Baby C and I in the NICU
All children are special and are gifts from God. Baby Clayton truly is a special child of God and not a day goes by that I am not grateful to be his mother. My Baby Clayton has Williams Syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that affects his whole body's function (for more information please visit: http://www.williams-syndrome.org/). Occasionally I have to close Petite Peanut so that I can tend to his ongoing medical needs. My little superhero has a team of 20 doctors, specialists, and therapists, has undergone 7 surgeries, and averages 7 doctor's appointments each week. We struggle through milestones, but we rejoice in the small things. 
At a year old, Clayton is currently learning to hold up his head and learning to roll over. He does not know how to swallow and is fed through a G-tube (my kids think it's cool and they want one too) in his stomach. He's getting a cool Porsche of a wheelchair in 2 weeks and he's going to be rockin' it in some super style (nothing less for my peanuts)! It's a long road but we are enjoying the journey, the opportunity to learn, and to grow as a family.

On Friday 5/4/12 through Monday 5/7/12 (Clayton's birthday)- 100% of sales, yes 100 PERCENT, will be donated to the University of Nevada Research Center. UNRC specializes in ongoing research for many disorders and syndromes, including Williams Syndrome. I am also extending a 15% discount for all items in my shop during this promotion with the code "SUPERHERO" at the time of checkout.

Clayton has taught me to be a better mom and a better person. My hope is that this promotion will give other children, families and mothers, the opportunity to get answers and the necessary medical help they need. I am honored to run a promotion to celebrate motherhood and all that comes with it. It's not easy. But it's worth it.

I hope you will consider making a purchase or donation during this special promotion and sharing it with your friends and family. 


  1. Thank you Joy. I love you....you are truly a Joy to dad and I. Words cannot express our love and gratitude for you and your family. Thanks for being a wonderful daughter and mother. mom

  2. You are truly brave and so is your peanut. God gave this little boy to you for a very good reason and it you are all embracing it and growing together as a family. Blessings on your family as you continue your journey. Thank you for the amazing example!

  3. That was a beautiful post Joy! Clayton is so special and so lucky!! I will definitely spread the word.

  4. I love this. Thank you for posting Joy.

  5. God Bless your baby ever step of the way.

  6. What a wonderful story. My son was also born May 7th last year! I will be making a purchase! :)

  7. That was really beautiful, Joy. He's lucky to have you as his mamma. Thank you for posting.

  8. Thank you for sharing your story...my little williams baby was born 35 years ago...we have come a long way. She has definately taught me to be a better mom, person and professional. My prayers are with you and your family.
